Module 1 Getting Started:
- These Modules Contains very basics of the Internet of Things to get started with Microcontrollers
and programming.
It consists of 8 videos:
1. Introduction to IoT – In this videos student will get a big picture of what is IoT, Home
Automation and their Applicati...ons in various domains. This video will help students to get a
higher level of information about the fundamental components that are used in a basic IoT
project and also an overview of what we are going to cover in this course.
2. Electronic Basics – This video will help those students who want to refresh some basic
concepts of electronics like Ohms Law and Active / Passive Components like Resistors,
Capacitors, Inductors, diodes, etc.
3. Microprocessor and microcontroller Explained – this Video is dedicated to telling students what
is a microcontroller and microprocessor and the difference between them.
4. Getting Started with Arduino – in order to make any project students should be able to work
with Arduino boards and Arduino Development Environment this video will cover what its
Arduino and how to get started with Arduino IDE.
5. Arduino UNO technical specification – in this video students will get to understand what is
Arduino UNO has its specs, GPIO pins, and some onboard components. Students will also get
to know different types of Arduino boards that are available on the market.
6. LED blinking Example Explained – in this video students will understand how to write a basic
Arduino sketch with an LED blinking Example. It will also cover information about
breadboard and its usage.
7. Experimenting with LEDs – This video is to teach some basic experiments that can be done
on Arduino UNO and some LEDs.
8. Working with push-button and Buzzer – in this video we have talked about how can we take
inputs from a basic device like a push button and also it covers working with a piezo-electric
Module 2 Sensors Inputs and Outputs:
- This module is designed to teach students about different types of Inputs Outputs & sensors.
It consists of 6 videos:
1. Analog and digital I/O – this video will help students to understand what is GPIO pins and
the basic Principles behind getting or sending digital and analog Signals. It will also cover an
experiment on how to control the brightness of an LED with Arduino.
2. Working with LDR sensor – This video contains an experiment with a Light Dependent resistor
and how to make a voltage divider circuit.
3. Working with LM35 Temperature Sensor – in this video students will learn how to get the
Ambient temperature with the help of LM35 temperature sensor.
4. Arduino Display outputs – this video will help students to understand what are the options
available in the market for display and, it also covers a basic experiment of working with LCD
5. Working with HCSR04 – to measure the distance from obstacle ultrasonic sensors are used,
students will learn how to work with HCSR04 sensor in order to calculate the distance.
6. BMP180 temperature and pressure sensor – in this video students will learn how to measure
temperature, Air Pressure, and Altitude with the help of the BMP180 sensor.
Module 3 Working with Motors and Actuators
- Robotics is a domain where students need to deal with various types of moving parts like DC
motors, Servo Motors, Stepper motors, and Linear actuators. In order to work with that
Students should be able to work with these power-hungry devices, Module 3 is all about heavy
lifting with these devices.
It consists of 10 videos:
1. Introduction to motors – this video is about different types of DC motors and their basic
working principle it will also cover what are driver circuits and their role in them.
2. Controlling Brushed DC motor with Arduino – in this video students will learn how to work
with a brushed DC motor with the help of an NPN transistor. Also, they will learn how to create
a basic project schematic on fritzing.
3. PWM Explained – this video is mainly focused on what is PWM and why it is used to control
the speed of motors.
4. L298N motor Driver – L298N H bridge motor driver is very commonly used to control
brushed DC motor. The student will learn how to use such a motor driver.
5. Control L298N motor Driver with PWM – L298N supports PWM to control the speed of
motors, this video will help teach students how they can control the speed and rotation of a DC
6. Playing with Joystick and motors – Joysticks are great to get a 2-dimension axis values to
control different types of devices. The student will learn to control the speed and direction of a
motor simultaneously with the help of a joystick.
7. BLDC motors – BLDC motors are crazy and fast motors these motors are most commonly
used in drones; students will learn how to control such motors with a motor driver circuit
called Electronic Speed Controller.
8. Working with relays – it is not possible to control heavy loads like an AC fan with an Arduino
or dc motor driver, this is where the relay comes in to picture. This video will help students to
understand what is Relay, its works, and how to control Electrical appliances with it.
9. Operating with BC547 Transistor – for absolute DIY relay circuits can be easily created with
the help of a BC547 transistor. In this video, students will learn how to make their own Relay
module circuit.
10. Making own Motor driver with Relays – Relay can be used to create a simple H-Bridge motor
driver, students will learn how to do so in this video.
Module 4 Wireless connectivity and Serial Communication
- Various types of microcontrollers can be found in the market, but in order to make something
working they should be able to talk to each other and share information. This module will
help students to understand how microcontrollers talk to each other over wired and wireless
It consists of 7 videos:
1. Serial Communication protocol – this video is all about various serial communication
protocols and their working principle.
2. Wireless Connectivity methods – this video contains various types of wireless communication
protocols that are available for IoT.
3. Setting up Bluetooth Module, AT Commands – Bluetooth is the most commonly used
protocol for low-powered wireless communication. Students will learn how to setup HC-05
Bluetooth module.
4. Playing with HC-05 – this video will show how to work with Bluetooth modules and also how
to use online Arduino IDE to do so.
5. NodeMCU and Micro-python – Everybody loves python when it comes to programming
language, this is a series of videos where students will know how to work with micro python
and host a simple website to control an LED. This topic is divided into three parts in video 5,
6 and 7.
Module 5 Working with Cloud
- To control things over the internet it is also required to understand how to use Cloudcomputing.
It consists of 6 videos:
1. IoT and Cloud – this video explains what is cloud computing and how it is a major part of IoT.
It also covers IoT reference Architecture which explains how IoT works with on different
2. Blynk Example – is a very popular cloud computing platform used by hobbyist to
make project like home automation. This video will help students to work with it.
3. Read values from NodeMCU – This video covers how to push data from NodeMCU to blynk
4. Blynk Virtual Pins – Virtual pins are used to send or receive data. It acts as a variable that
can be used on both App and Device endpoints of IoT.
5. Blynk API – blynk also provides APIs to help third parties to use their data. Students will learn
how to work with such APIs.
6. Google Home Automation with blynk – Google Assistance is great for interacting with IoT
devices via voice. Things like IFTTT are used to create such interaction between the blynk
cloud and google assistance.
Module 6 Creating Own Robot
- Bots that can be operated remotely are commonly known as Robot. They can make their
own decisions or a pilot can control a bot via remote control. This module will help students
to make such bots that can be operated remotely.
It consists of 5 videos:
1. Bot working and Hardware require – this video will explain how a bot is will work and
the hardware that is required to make it.
2. Understanding project schematic – this video explains the electronics part of our bot where
students will understand how to make connections between different components like
motors, a driver circuits, battery, and microcontrollers.
3. Bot building timelapse – Just enjoy the process of building a bot in time-lapse.
4. Working with platformio and nrf test – this video will explain how to use platformio IDE and
how to use nrf24l01 module to connect wirelessly for this project.
5. Programming out bot – In this video students will learn how to program this bot and in the
end, there is also a short video of its working in action.
Module 7 Hacker Gadgets with Arduino
- It's not a tech2secure course if it does not contain some “hacking” easter eggs in the course.
It consists of 6 videos:
1. Injecting keystrokes with Arduino pro micro – Arduino pro micro can be used as an HID
device. This video will help to understand how to unleash that power.
2. HID mouse input – this video will explain how to give HID mouse inputs.
3. Injecting Metasploit payload with USB rubberducky – Students inspired by Mr. Robot this
video is for them. It explains how to gain access to a target machine with the help of
rubberducky and Metasploit framework.
4. Esp8266 deauther – Even the wireless network is not secure from a hacker this video will
help students how to do so with the help of a cheap 350 Rs NodeMCU.
5. Deauth detector – check if you are being hacked by attacks like de-authentication with this
little tool.
6. Experimenting with WiFi ducky – rubberyducky is cool but wireless rubber ducky is
awesome. This video will show how to make one for you

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You can find here the full syllabus of course: Arduino for Ethical Hackers

5.002 Blynk Example
6.001 Bot Working And Hardware Requirements
6.003 Bot Build Time Lapse
7.002 Hid Mouse Input
1.001 Introduction to Arduino for Ethical Hackers
1.002 Introduction To Iot
1.003 Basic Electronics
1.004 Microprocessor And Microcontroller Explained
1.005 Getting Started With Arduino
1.006 Arduino Uno Technical Specification
1.007 Led Blinking Example Explained
1.008 Experimenting With Leds
1.009 Working With Pushbutton And Buzzer
2.001 Analog And Digital Input Output
2.002 Working With Ldr Sensor
2.003 Working With Lm35 Temp Sensor
2.004 Arduino Display Outputs
2.005 Working With Hcsr04
2.006 Bmp180 Temperature And Pressure Sensor
3.001 Introduction To Motors
3.002 Controlling Brushed Dc Motor With Arduino
3.003 Pwm Explained
3.004 L298n Motor Driver
3.005 Control L298n Motor Driver With Pwm
3.006 Playing With Joystick And Motors
3.007 Operating Bldc Motor
3.008 Working With Relays
3.009 Operating Relay With Bc547 Transistor
3.010 Making Own Motor Driver With Relays
4.001 Serial Communication Protocol
4.002 Wireless Connectivity Methods
4.003 Setting Up Bluetooth Module At Commands
4.004 Playing With Hc-05
4.005 NodeMCU And Micro python
4.006 Connecting To Wireless Ap With Nodemcu
4.007 Hosting Static Html Page On Nodemcu
5.001 Iot And Cloud
5.003 Read Values From Nodemcu
5.004 Blynk Virtual Pins
5.005 Blynk Api
5.006 Google Home Automation With Blynk
6.001 Bot Working And Hardware Requirements
6.002 Understating Project Schematic
6.004 Working With & NRF Test
6.005 Programming Our Bot
7.001 Injecting Keystrokes With Arduino Pro Micro
7.003 Injecting Metasploit Payload With Usb Rubberducky
7.004 Esp8266 Deauther
7.005 Deauth Detector
7.006 Experimenting With Wifi Ducky

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